The p2pkh construct admits an ASCII string type: "mr1iPkD9N3RJZZxXRk7xF9d36gffa6exNC".
Or a hex encoded bytes type: "0x76a914ee9369fb719c0ba43ddf4d94638a970b84775f4788ac".
p2pkh(Pay-to-Public-Key-Hash) is a Bitcoin transaction output script type that allows users to send funds to a recipient's hashed public key, providing security and privacy by concealing the actual public key.
Get any transaction including a p2sh output paying a given recipient.
A string type: "2MxDJ723HBJtEMa2a9vcsns4qztxBuC8Zb2".
A hex encoded bytes type: "0x76a914ee9369fb719c0ba43ddf4d94638a970b84775f4788ac".
p2sh(Pay-to-Script-Hash) is a Bitcoin transaction output script type that enables users to send funds to a script instead of a public key, allowing for more complex transaction conditions and multi-signature addresses.
Get any transaction, including a p2wpkh output paying a given recipient.
The p2wpkh construct accepts a string type, for example: "bcrt1qnxknq3wqtphv7sfwy07m7e4sr6ut9yt6ed99jg".
p2wpkh(Pay-to-Witness-Public-Key-Hash) is a Bitcoin transaction output script type used in Segregated Witness (SegWit) that allows for more efficient and secure transactions by separating the witness data from the transaction data and storing it in a separate block.
Get any transaction, including a p2wsh output paying a given recipient.
The p2wsh construct accepts a string type, for example: "bc1qklpmx03a8qkv263gy8te36w0z9yafxplc5kwzc".
p2wsh (Pay-to-Witness-Script-Hash) is a Bitcoin transaction output script type used in Segregated Witness (SegWit) that enables users to send funds to a hashed script, allowing for more complex transaction conditions and greater scalability by separating the script from the transaction data.
Get any Bitcoin transaction, including a block commitment. Broadcasted payloads include Proof of Transfer reward information.